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Brains remember more easily with drawings than written notes

Brains remember more easily with drawings than written notes

For both seniors and younger people, drawing has a ‘surprisingly powerful influence’ on memory, study finds

“Older adults have been found to be just as adept as younger people when it comes to recalling new information, as long as they draw what they’re trying to remember.

That was the finding of a recent Canadian study, which supports previous research showing that drawing aids memory better than writing notes or than picturing something in your mind or looking at related images. Researchers say rendering images on paper incorporates multiple ways of representing the information — with visual, spatial, verbal, semantic and motor skills.

Researchers at the University of Waterloo conducted a series of tests on 24 undergraduate students and 24 adults over the age of 65 who had normal cognition.”





Posted on: February 1, 2019, 6:58 am Category: Uncategorized

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