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Patron Day

I spent a day with the Metropolitan Libraries outside of Chicago. Alane Wilson from OCLC presented on the Perceptions study and, as usual, had a great deal to offer. Ed Vielmetti, the SuperPatron, did great presentation about what the new patron expects from libraries (and OPACs) today (This was cool- how often do patrons present to libraries?).
I did a session on Public Library Personas and how to focus on the patron’s real needs.
It’s an interesting theme to focus a staff conference on the patron. I wonder how often we do that, and if it’s often enough.

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Posted on: May 20, 2006, 8:50 am Category: Presentations

4 Responses

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  1. Nanette Bulebosh said

    Hi Mr. Abrams,
    I was in the packed room at WiLSWorld in Wisconsin last month during your enthralling “Growing up in a Google and Web 2.0 World” presentation. You blew my mind! I came back to work talking about some of the things you said, and some of the other stuff I learned at the conference, but it would be so much more effective if I could show my staff and my library board some of your slides.
    Do you by chance have that presentation, or a portion of it, online anywhere? (I admit I haven’t yet checked out the Dynix/Sirsi continuing ed site of archived presentations … my library is a Dynix one) Would you mind if I downloaded some of it to share with my board at our next meeting? I just found some of your comments about technology trends and the next generation so fascinating.
    Thanks for your consideration.
    Nanette Bulebosh, director
    Kiel Public Library, Wisconsin

  2. Thanks Nanette. I’ll be posting the PPT’s to this blog soon.

  3. Echo the comments above, find your material is just so right on the nail.
    Could I use your changed priorities slide in a presentation to library staff, if you wish to view it I’d be happy to send a preview of the presentation.

  4. No problem. Feel free to use it.