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Library Advocacy Video

Wendy Newman (one of my personal heroes) at the University of Toronto Faculty of Information Studies asked to interview me for her ground breaking Master’s level course on library advocacy. She’s going Canada-wide soon.
It ended up being an hour long video where we touched on a number of issues including advocacy for special librarians. It’s intended for classroom use in a series that Wendy is compiling.
Like all adults, with few exceptions, I hate wacthing myself on video. I don’t know how celebrities do it! Anyway, since I am about to start off on a few days at the SLA Winter Leadership Summit I felt that it would be an act of courage to post it here and model the behaviours I encourage in others. I am very bald and it shines in the video! PERHAPS I SHOULD SELL LIBRARY POP-UP ADS ON MY FOREHEAD?
The URL is as follows:
Be gentle.

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Posted on: January 23, 2007, 5:22 pm Category: Uncategorized

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