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YouTube for Dan the Librarian

Another weekend funny:

The YouTube video from comedian, Dan the Librarian.

Edgy and funny.

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Posted on: April 29, 2007, 1:49 pm Category: Uncategorized

2 Responses

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  1. tom walsh said

    ok. that just got offensive…he says he lives in the ghetto then mocks a little Hispanic girl’s name and makes fun of a girl who has no father (“she wanted to name the mascot after something she’s never had: ‘daddy'”). he’s not funny (and I was going to say he’s borderline racist, but that would be okay, IF he was FUNNY). Woo-hoo! Guns are allowed in the library as long as they have silencers on them… HAR-larious. Yeah, back in 1969.

  2. Thanks for watching my video, even if you like it or not. I just find it funny that people have been thinking I’m being racist. The “hispanic” girls name was an actual entry, as was 50 cent. I also didn’t have a problem with the “daddy” line, as I am the product of a single family home myself.
    Like I have said though, like it or leave it, funny is different to everyone.