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Timberline Leadership Symposium

I had the distinct pleasure of participating in the first Timberline Leadership Symposium last week at Timberline Lodge on Mount Hood in Oregon. It was a great experience in a perfect location. 14 feet of snow and that was after a melt! It was up to my second floor window.
Anyway, we did a lot of stuff including a new preferences diagnostic called DISC that I just completed too – for those of you who were there I am apparently an I and not a D like I suspected! My contribution was the economic, demographic, social and techology SWOT for libraries to help underpin the vision exercise.
Here are the slides:
Reality 2.0: Leadership and Strategy
Great group of folks. I hope to meet them all again.

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Posted on: May 26, 2008, 10:42 pm Category: Association Presentations

One Response

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  1. Frances said

    Thank you, Stephen! Exactly what I was looking for, and it’s been here for more than 24 hrs. How to keep up, in this 2.0 world? I am an S which calls for stability. But roll on we must…
    Thanks again for your time with us.