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Twitter at SLA in Seattle 2008

Twitter at SLA2008!
As president of SLA this year, I wanted to create a neat learning and innovation opportunity at the conference in Seattle. And some folks on my SLA innovation team delivered (Thanks Daniel and Cindy et al!)
Want to learn about Twitter and microblogging but just can’t commit for life!? Well now you can try it for the conference alone.
As part of SLA’s Innovation Lab, and for the first time at an SLA conference, SLA will be using Twitter to make the conference experience more collaborative via use of a backchannel. SLA2008 has been created on the Twitter website for conference attendees and non-attendees alike to follow. More on using Twitter at conference is here.
If you are already on Twitter, follow sla2008 by:
1. Sending “follow SLA2008” from IM or your phone.
2. Clicking on the “follow” button on the sla2008 profile page.
If you aren’t on Twitter, create an account and follow the instructions above.
Follow the updates on the sla2008 with_friends timeline.
Don’t know what Twitter is? Watch this great introductory video from the folks at Common Craft.
For Further Reading
Twitter FAQ
The Official Twitter Commands
And lots more here.
Of course, there wsill be tons more innovation stuff at SLA. Watch for the Learning 2.0 23 Things project to try to learn new stuff this summer and beyond. Watch for the launch of the SLA Innovation Laboratory. Watch for SLA in Second Life. And that doesn’t even begin to describe a great SLA conference in Seattle. Still time to register…!

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Posted on: May 26, 2008, 9:03 pm Category: Uncategorized

One Response

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  1. Suzanne said

    I followed the link to register for the SLA conference because I wanted to find out the dates and was surprised to find that SLA had a really poorly designed and unusable web page. Type and boxes run all over each other. There’s white type against light backgrounds. The drop down navigation boxes don’t work. In short, it’s a mess. I’m tech savvy enough to guess that it’s a case of the page being designed solely for use in IE. And that my increasing the font size made the problem worse.
    But I would think SLA would want to welcome all potential members, even Firefox users. So, at least a warning to use IE would be in order. I sent a screenshot to the webmaster, but thought a comment on this might be useful as well.
    Thanks. I am aware of this. It’s the next project on the plans! On the other hand it works beautifully with my version of Firefox.