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SLJ’s 23 Things for School Librarians

Are you looking for a Learning 2.0 / 23 things project aimed at school libraries and teacher librarians? (If you’re a special librarians you’re obviously already on the SLA 23 Things program!)
Brian Kenney, editor of School Library Journal, announced SLJ’s effort here:
SLJ’s 2.0 Program Begins July 21
“Have you heard of 23 Things, the self-guided program for learning about 2.0 web technology? It was developed by Helene Blowers a couple of years ago at the Public Library of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County and since then has been adopted across the country by public and school libraries, districts, and even entire states. It consists of a number of “things,” or small exercises, that you do online to expand your knowledge of the 2.0 web and social networking, from blogs and podcasts to wikis and Twitter.
For a while now (and prodded by SLJ Technology Editor, Kathy Ishizuka) I’ve realized it would be a great idea if all of us here at SLJ went through a “23 Things” like experience. After all, we are always writing about different 2.0 applications, shouldn’t we experience them as well? Walk the walk, talk the talk, and all of that…So I resolved that we’d do it this summer.
Then I got to thinking: if we’re going to do it, why not open it up and invite everyone to join us?
So that’s what we are going to do. But we’re not going it alone; we’ve asked 2.0 guru, Dominican faculty member, and season trainer Michael Stephens to join us for the ride. Beginning Monday, July 21, Michael will author a blog here on that will lead us through the different exercises, offer guidance, answer questions, and even provide a little hand-holding. We’re calling it “All Together Now: A 2.0 Learning Experience.”
There’s no need to sign up–just show up. Again, we’ll begin on July 21 and wrap things up in early September.
My “Gearing Up” post is here:
Our work will begin the 21st of July! Starting Monday, I’ll put up a post here — the first of our “things” – with instructions to explore. The first thing is getting a blog and trying out blogging.
I’ve worked with a lot of libraries doing these programs and folks sometimes confess they are scared to dive in. These tools seem too new or hard to use. This program is designed to alleviate those worries. Work at your own pace. Work with a colleague or friend. I kid you not, this is a perfect time and a perfect place to experience these things. These rules will help:
Explore. Try things out. Don’t worry about “breaking” anything! Ask questions. There are no dumb questions. AND It’s okay to make mistakes.
The blog address for the program is:
It’s just wonderful to see stuff like this program grow!

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Posted on: July 17, 2008, 11:06 pm Category: Uncategorized

2 Responses

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  1. I am so excited you are doing this. I am teaching a university class called “Teaching and Learning in Digital Environments” for librarians, school librarians and teachers. We are easing them into this kind of technology and this will make a great addition! I’m going to post the link on our class website and encourage them all to participate.

  2. As a school library team we are halfway through our 23 things professional learning program being conducted by SLAV (School Library Association of Victoria) in Australia. We have found it to be extremely liberating. Some of the team were not all that thrilled to participate but once the collaboration began they reaped the rewards and to see the confidence gained by some members when they created their own iGoogle page or their bookmarking site, was heartwarming. Our team are enjoying the experience and I wish you well in your summer endeavours with 23 things.