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The Google Dilemma

You might have seen this already but if not, it’s a really good article by James Grimmelmann on who controls what you see in your search results. Grimmelmann is a Prof. at the New York Law School.
Here is the abstract:
The Google Dilemma
James Grimmelmann, New York Law School
Web search is critical to our ability to use the Internet. Whoever controls search engines has enormous influence on all of us; whoever controls the search engines, perhaps, controls the Internet itself. This short essay (based on talks given in January and April 2008) uses the stories of five famous search queries to illustrate the conflicts over search and the enormous power Google wields in choosing whose voices are heard on the Internet.
This article doesn’t even address the issue of ads, so it’s very interesting on many other levels.

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Posted on: July 22, 2008, 11:04 am Category: Uncategorized

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