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2008 Video Game Industry Research

2008 Essential Facts About the Computer and Video Game Industry (16 page PDF; 120 KB)
Source: Entertainment Software Association
65% of American households play computer or video games.
The average game player age is 35.
In 2008, 26% of gamers were over the age of 50.
The average age of the most frequent game purchaser is: 40
Women age 18 or older represent a significantly greater portion of the game-playing population (33%) than boys age 17 or younger (18%).
13 is the average number of years adult gamers have been playing computer or video games.
59% of gamers play games with other gamers in person.
94% of the time parents are present at the time games are purchased or rented.
63% of parents believe games are a positive part of their children’s lives.
83% of the time children receive their parents’ permission before purchasing or renting a game.
Parents report always or sometimes monitoring the games their children play 88% of the time.
Loads more in the report.
I just love research survey data that challenges pre-conceived notions.

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Posted on: July 23, 2008, 12:46 pm Category: Uncategorized

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