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SLA Maryland

I had a wonderful trip to Baltimore to speak with the members of the SLA Maryland Chapter on the campus of Johns Hopkins University. Here is the speech.
The Challenge of Our Age: Preparing Our Enterprises for New Information Strategies
A delightful evening on my part!

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Posted on: October 20, 2008, 4:45 pm Category: Association Presentations

One Response

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  1. chris olson said

    Stephen. Thank you so much for the absolutely great presentation. Your enthusiastic delivery, warm stories, and insightful observations were a hit with everyone! I am so very happy that you were able to squeeze us into your schedule and included a visit to the Un Md iSchool too. I intend to have our chapter board follow up with your conversation with the Dean about students attending the SLA conference. Your visit gave our chapter a good jumpstart and I expect to leverage it. Thank you again for being a friend, colleague and one of our profession’s best advocates. Chris
    p.s. I hope the retaping of the video went well 😉