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Twitter and Competitor Intelligence

Do you know about twitter search?
Seth Godin says it is “addictive, disheartening, thrilling or banal… often in combination.”
“Visiting twitter search will allow you to track what the anonymous masses are saying about you, your favorite politicians, your brand, whatever… You can grab an RSS feed of any search you do, so your rss reader will be always updated with what’s going on with the buzz on things you care about.”
Hey, someone might even be talking about you!

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Posted on: October 28, 2008, 1:22 am Category: Uncategorized

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  1. twitter search is fun and scary.
    it’s a good way to watch a football game – not quite a play by play, but close enough, especially if there’s any drama.
    it’s also a handy way to figure out what (if anything) is going on in particular place – I regularly set it up to search on “ann arbor” and have found events to go to at the last minute that way.