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15 Dumbest Web 2.0 Names

Sometimes it seems that they just shake a game of Boggle.
The again, Google, Yahoo!, Digg, Flickr, etc. sounded weird at first too.
Here’s the list from here:
1. Adaptive Blue
2. Thoof
3. Weebly
4. Yoono
5. Zlio
6. Diigo
7. Heekya
8. Insala
9. Jiglu
10. Mzinga
12. ooVoo
13. SocialThing
14. Sclipo
15. CrazyEgg
I should talk – “SirsiDynix”

  • Pro plugin deactivated or invalid

Posted on: October 29, 2008, 1:27 am Category: Uncategorized

2 Responses

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  1. dynamite said

    The original post was already dumb and uninteresting.
    Why you feel you needed to copy a part of it remains a mystery.
    If you have nothing more interesting to say, I suggest you just stop blogging, thanks.
    Oh boy! it’s an honour to have my own blog troll! Join the bunch.

  2. Jenny Reiswig said

    See how you do on the Web 2.0 company or Star Wars character quiz!
    Frustratingly it doesn’t tell you what you got right or wrong.