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Finding Time for Library 2.0

I love these two excellent graphics.
One thing those of us who talk about Web 2.0 and Library 2.0 hear so often is how does library staff find the time to do all ths stuff?
A few people have pointed to these graphics already (1, 2, 3). Check these posts out. I will too because they’re awesome. They seem to have originated in the Museum 2.0 community and spread to library land (we’re not alone!).
The above two graphics provide food for thought when we think about the whole team. When we work in teams we spread the work around. Many hands make for light work, or so the expression goes. And if you work as a solo, there are at least two options – just do one or two high priority 2.0 things and/or find a partner outside or inside the organization to accomplish the tasks.
You’re never fully alone on the social web.


Posted on: February 24, 2009, 10:02 am Category: Uncategorized

3 Responses

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  1. the bottom graphic makes some interesting distinctions, ones I don’t necessarily agree with. Perhaps it’s generational? I create a bit of buzz (whatever that means) on Twitter, and have created community there. But more and more I am sharing content and creating community and social networking in FriendFeed, and not in any of the sites listed above.
    But still & all, the time frames around the tasks seem accurate relative to each other, if a bit confusing on their own….

  2. I can confirm that the first graphic can be attributed to Nina Smith, the writer/blogger of Museum 2.0, I emailed her before blogging it.

  3. I made the top image in the context of a blog post ( that was intended to demystify the management time required to sustain different kinds of social media projects. I think it’s hard for folks (especially in museums) to transition from a “make the thing, release it, done!” model to a “make the thing, release it, keep feeding and growing it” model. We are used to producing finished exhibits and programs and it can be helpful to think about whether you have the ongoing resources to “tend the garden” of efforts in the social Web.
    Thanks. It’s awesome.