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Top 20 Sites for the Social Web

Pandia has made a list of the top 20 social web sites (Thanks Philip):
Top 20 social web sites
“The latest issue of Website Magazine presents a top 50 list of social media resources, that is the most visited social web sites out there. The list is based on web statistics gathered by
[All sites are linked after the link]
1. YouTube (Video sharing)
2. MySpace (Social networking)
3. Facebook (Social networking)
4. Bebo (Video and social networking)
5. Black Planet (Black online community)
6. Tagged (Social networking)
7. Imeem (Social network for sharing music, video and photos)
8. Hi5 (Social networking)
9. Orkut (Social networking)
10. Digg (Sharing and discovering links)
11. LinkedIn (Professional networking)
12. Ning (Create your own social networking community)
13. Stumbleupon (Sharing and discovering links)
14. Friendster (Social networking)
15. Buzznet (Pop culture social networking)
16. Multiply (Media sharing)
17. Twitter (Microblogging)
18. Cyworld (Social networking)
19. Netlog (Blog based social networking)
20. Livejournal (Blog based social networking)
Below the top 20, we find a few fast climbers: Yelp, Tribenet and Zing.”
Anyway, it’s a great list to start playing with. I think I’ve played with most but only really participate in 4 or 5. Play works as continuing education and it’s a great way to learn. You don’t have to marry every social website you date!

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Posted on: February 27, 2009, 10:22 am Category: Uncategorized

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