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SirsiDynix Symphony and SchoolRooms Receive Scholastic “Best in Tech” Awards

We’re pretty excited about this.
SirsiDynix Symphony and SchoolRooms Receive Scholastic “Best in Tech” Awards
PROVO, UT, March 23, 2009 – SirsiDynix, the global leader in strategic technology solutions for libraries, is pleased to be honored with two of Scholastic Administr@tor’s Best in Tech solutions for Media Management Systems. Symphony, SirsiDynix’ flagship ILS, and SchoolRooms, SirsiDynix’ portal for K-12, were both Best in Tech award winners from Scholastic. The solutions will be recognized at a formal awards ceremony during the 2009 National Educational Computing Conference in Washington D.C. later this year.
Scholastic Administr@tor is trusted by 85,000 of the nation’s top administrators to provide insight into the best education solutions and the most effective technology and leadership strategies. Every product chosen as the Best in Tech has been hand-picked and carefully evaluated by Scholastic’s expert administrator reviewers.
Gary Rautenstrauch, chief executive officer at SirsiDynix, stated, “We are excited to receive this distinction from Scholastic. Effective technology is crucial to the continued success of schools across this nation, and we are honored Scholastic chose Symphony and our widely acclaimed SchoolRooms product as Best in Tech winners.”
For more information about SirsiDynix Symphony or SirsiDynix SchoolRooms, contact a SirsiDynix sales professional at 1-800-288-8020, ext. 1 or [email protected].
Stacilee Oakes Whiting
[email protected]

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Posted on: March 23, 2009, 2:34 pm Category: Uncategorized

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