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Android vs iPhone

With SirsiDynix having demonstrated library phone applications in Android, iPhone and Blackberry, I’ve been asked which one should win. In many respects they all will.
The iPhone is clearly the dominant winner right now in the SmartPhone sweepstakes.
President Obama gets his secure Blackberry soon. I’m calling it the Barackberry and it’s likely to create renewed interest in the Blackberry beyond institutional and business users.
Android, based on Google’s Open Handset Alliance, is poised to come up from behind. Mashable says this about it:
“There’s an important difference between the iPhone and the Android platform, though, that might skew this ratio in the future: the iPhone platform consists of iPhone and the iPod Touch, while in time there will be many Android phones on the market instead of the handful we have now.”
Android Growing Fast, But Not as Fast as iPhone
So get your coder hats on and have some fun. In many markets, just about everyone over 14 has a cel phone and they are getting smarter, the phones that is, every day.

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Posted on: April 29, 2009, 3:49 pm Category: Uncategorized

2 Responses

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  1. Kara said

    So, Sirsi has an app for the iPhone? Is it available yet?
    The iPhone app that’s already in the Apple store was developed by DCPL. They have shared the code with everyone.
    SirsiDynix will be releasing code for customers to customize to their site for iPhone, Blackberry and Android in the coming months for Unicorn, Horizon and Symphony. If you’re already on the same ILS platform as DCPL there’s no need to wait. Just use theirs. They showed me a Blackberry version too.
    Of course, anyone can write the code using the SirsiDynix API’s as has been possible for decades.

  2. This is terrific! To be able to use the APIs or DCPL code do I need to have access to the library systems? I am just a library user and am wondering if I can use the APIs to write my own app…. thx!
    Yes, you’ll need to encourage your library to offer the code.