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Trends to help and hinder innovation

The BQF Innovation blog has some ideas on what might help or hinder innovation speed an dynamism in the near future. Check it out here:
Trends that will increase or inhibit innovation
“Some of the forces that will increase the need for innovation were:
1. Increased competition – particularly in services.
2. Increased consumer knowledge and choice.
3. Demand for sustainable green solutions.
Some of the forces that may inhibitit innovation and entrepreneurial activity were:
1. Higher levels of taxation will deter risk taking and start-ups. Why leave a comfortable job and risk starting a new business if the government is going to take over half the profits?
2. Banks will remain cautious about lending for some time.
3. With higher taxes and lower pension pots many people will defer retirement and work into their 60s and 70s. This could lead to an older generation of leaders who are more cautious and risk averse.
4. General uncertainty about the economic and political outlook.
I’d add that if you’re attached to *hot* research areas you’ll be in a more innovative niche than some others. I am thinking about stuff like stem cell research, alternative energy research (like wind), green technologies, cloning, genomic research, biosciences, social technologies, personal tech. devices, touch interfaces, etc.

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Posted on: June 16, 2009, 9:39 am Category: Uncategorized

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