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New SirsiDynix Blogs

I`ve been looking forward to posting this for a while and I`m finally home long enough to welcome the two new blogs at SirsiDynix to the world.
My colleagues are starting two new blogs – one to focus on development insights and commentary and another will focus on customer relations and training. They`re being written by our people in the trenches from all across North America including product developers, management, coders, CRM`s, trainers, and more.
The are linked from our main homepage but you can access them directly too:
We`ve announced them here:

And here`s the direct links to the two new blogs:
SirsiDynix At Your Service

Welcome to the new “At Your Service” blog here at SirsiDynix. We are excited to discuss with you new service initiatives, new training methods, client care helps and more. We think this blog can help us work together even better and also give you access to ideas and thoughts from people with many years in the library automation field.
Let us take a journey together, and learn about best practices in library management, training your staff, how best to use client care, and more. We are excited to get started! I hope you are too and find much useful information in the forthcoming posts.
Please be sure to drop us a note and let us know what topics are of great interest to you, and we’ll try to cover your pressing questions along with giving helpful hints to achieve success in your use of library automation products.
See you soon,
Matt Hawkins
COO, SirsiDynix
SirsiDynix Sustainable Development

Welcome to the “Sustainable Development” blog from a few of us at SirsiDynix. We are excited to communicate with you in this manner and hope it is beneficial to you.
Throughout the next several posts, we hope to convey a little of what we are planning down the road, thoughts we have on upcoming technology, and insights into the development of current and upcoming SirsiDynix products.
We hope you will feel free to comment on this blog and let us know what you are interested in hearing about. We are happy to take you behind the scenes and make this a helpful resource for you!
These are not intended to be for sales conversation purposes but are designed to encourage our folks to participate in the discussions about where the future of libraries and library systems is heading. These blogs will supplement our large customer communities, forums and discussion lists.
Be sure to add these to your RSS feeds with whatever aggregator you use (Google Reader, Bloglines, etc.)

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Posted on: June 21, 2009, 1:32 pm Category: Uncategorized

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