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When I Become a Teacher

These two YouTube videos are from Apple and talk to the use of computers in the classroom.
When I become a Teacher (original)
When I become a Teacher (remix)
I was talking to some school librarians this week where nearly everything was banned at their schools. Amazing!
Like I’ve said before, we have got as a profession care about these sort of black and white acts as much as we care about book bannings and censorship. Libraries can create safe spaces that don’t add to the problem of inadequate preparation for the world of the future.

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Posted on: June 22, 2009, 12:45 pm Category: Uncategorized

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  1. Actually, we didn’t make this video in association with Apple. When I made the “Remix” I wanted to demonstrate to teachers in my school (1) how easy it is to do, and (2) how powerful videos are in the classroom. I just like the original “When I Become a Teacher,” and wanted to pay homage to it. We used students and teachers and shot the whole thing in less than a day. I edited it that night while watching Mythbusters, and had it ready for them the next day. A very cool project.