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YouTube (Size of)

Yes, YouTube is big, and dominant!
Michael Arrington is reporting that:
“Recent Comscore data says Google/YouTube streams just under 7 billion videos per month in the U.S., up from around 5 billion/month late last year. That’s about 225 million streams a day, which still puts them well above all the next major competitors (MySpace, Hulu, Yahoo, Viacom, Microsoft, etc.). Nielsen says Google/YouTube streams 5.5 billion videos/month in the U.S.“
But the real number of streams/day, we’ve now confirmed from Google, is above 1 billion/day worldwide. That matches what we’ve heard from other sources. That pretty much means everyone on the Internet, on average, is watching one YouTube video per day.“
That`s a lot of video!

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Posted on: June 23, 2009, 12:59 pm Category: Uncategorized

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