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Alliance Library System Trends Report

SirsiDynix client, ALS (the Alliance Library System) in Illinois is a multitype consortia that includes nearly every kind of library and it’s one of our most innovative! You might have visited them in Second Life.
Anyway, some library systems do annual reports and there have been some great innovations there too. However, ALS has gone one step further and published the ALS Trends Report. It’s on their website and they’ve done a presentation to their boards and funders.
2009 ALS Trends Report Released
“Annually, the Alliance staff write a report highlighting the main socioeconomic and demographic trends that impact libraries. It includes the major trends, changes in the Illinois’ demography and the very popular Watch List that points to the 26 most interesting libraries in North America.”
(29 page PDF)
I recommend reading it for the content as well as an example of something that educates your communities about the role and challenges facing libraries today.
Congratulations on a great report to Kitty Pope and her team. Thanks for sharing.

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Posted on: June 29, 2009, 11:14 am Category: Uncategorized

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