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Moving Ads in Kansas

I found this via LIS News. Congratulations to Johnson County Library System for being creative.
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The full story is here:
Library trucks bear literary ads

“If delivery trucks driving around Johnson County emblazoned with ads for peculiar businesses prompt some double-takes, they’re doing their job.
Benjamin Button’s Diaper Service?
Kafka’s Pest Control?
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde’s Pharmacy?
No, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde are not entering the CVS-Walgreens War.
Four literary themed trucks are part of a new ad campaign for the Johnson County Library. Officials hope the trucks will spark interest and bring even more readers to their doors.”
What are your best ideas for engaging library ads on your vehicles, book drops, bus shelters, etc.?

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Posted on: June 29, 2009, 8:12 am Category: Uncategorized

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