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E-Government Needs Public Libraries

Now more than ever public libraries must promote the role they play in the fabric of society. As government services and communications go increasingly more web based the role of the public library as a point of contact for all, especially those in the digital divide, needs to be clearly known.
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U.S. Public Libraries and E-Government Services [PDF] is a new issue brief from the American Libraries Association (ALA). From the press release announcement:
Roles of public library technology in supporting E-government highlighted in new issues brief
“Public libraries often are the only organizations within a community that can help individuals interact with government agencies and access e-government services,” said ALA Executive Director Keith Michael Fiels. “As more and more government information and services are becoming only available online, there is an urgent need for governments to collaborate with public libraries to provide e-government services that best meet community needs.”

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Posted on: June 30, 2009, 9:27 am Category: Uncategorized

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