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Unselfish Communication

As we approach this long weekend for Canada Day in Canada and July 4th in the US, take a look at the conversations you will have around the BBQ and try to remember them.
They’re often the perfect mix of conversations with family, close friends, new friends and acquaintances.
Read this Bivings posting first:
Demystifying the Social Medianess – Unselfish Communication
What makes us social?
Bivings suggests that when we are social, we talk, communicate, share ideas, give advice, help, listen, swap recipes, share sports scores, tell stories, etc.
Now think about your social presence on the digital world and your identity there. Is there any relationship at all? I find mine is pretty close. My friends in real life are often friends on my social sites. My family is there, mostly. And there are quite a few colleagues and other acquaintances.
Anyway, I always enjoy the Summer long weekends. It’s fun to see how things are moving closer together.
What are you sharing at the Summer BBQ that your share around the water cooler and also online?
Has it changed over the last five years with the emergence of social networking sites? At least Facebook doesn’t remember your toilet training disasters or high school disappontments like family does! My advice, try to hide the family pictures before they show up there… (grin).
Have a great weekend.

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Posted on: June 30, 2009, 8:43 am Category: Uncategorized

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