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Don’t Miss This Online Seminar!

The Art of Fundraising and Grant Writing: An Online Conference
In these tough economic times with travel budgets being cut, librarians need an inexpensive and efficient way to continue their education. Libraries are also relying more and more on fundraising and grant writing. Alliance Library System and LearningTimes are hosting and SirsiDynix is sponsoring “The Art of Grant Writing and Fundraising” on Thursday November 19. The conference program will offer a number of programs for beginners through intermediate and advanced levels of all aspects of grant writing and fundraising. The day will kick off at 10 am central time/11 am Eastern time and run through 4:30 pm central/5:30 pm Eastern.
Keynote speakers include the amazing Peter Pearson who is President of the Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library in Minnesota. This organization is unique in that it is both a Friends Group and a Foundation. The organization has assets of approximately 12 million dollars at its disposal. Pearson recently spoke at ALA and will discuss how the economy is or isn’t affecting fundraising and basics to keep in mind for success at fundraising. Kitty Pope, Executive Director of the Alliance Library System, is the second keynote speaker. She will speak on grant writing and how in today’s world, it takes a team to plan and implement successful grant writing and projects. No longer is grant writing done by one person; now successful grant projects require the support of the entire organization and staff on all levels with various expertise to see a successful grant from start to implementation of and reporting on the project.
Other speakers include: Lisa Valdez from San Jose State University School of Library and Information Science; Chuck Thomas, IMLS; Stephanie Gerding and Pam McKellar, authors of the grants for libraries blog; Tari Hughes, Nashville Public Library Foundation; Tom Peters, TAP Information Services; Allison Miller of the Internet Public Library; and a variety of other highly qualified speakers.
For more information on this conference and to register, check out The cost of the one day online event is $69.00. For a group, the price is $99.00. If this registration fee is a hardship, please contact Lori Bell at [email protected] for a discount coupon of $20 off registration price. Library students can attend for free – contact Lori Bell for information.
This workshop is part of a three event series offered by Alliance Library System and LearningTimes. The second online event on Handheld and Mobile Library Services will be a two-day conference offered on February 17 and 18, and the third is a conference on Innovation to be offered on May 12. Keynote speakers for the Handheld event include Joe Murphy, Yale University. Keynote speaker for the Innovation conference is Helene Blowers of Columbus Ohio Metropolitan Library. Discounts are available for attending all three. To attend all three conferences as an individual is $150 and for groups is $199. For more information and to register, please go to
Other Program Highlights
Winning Grants for Libraries 101: Discover the confidence and knowledge you need to successfully win library grant funding. Find out where to easily locate grant opportunities, learn a step-by-step method for writing grant proposals, and hear about real library grant success stories. Stephanie Gerding and Pam MacKellar, experienced on both sides of the grant process and authors of books and articles on library grants, will provide practical advice, ideal for librarians who are new to grants.
Strategies to Secure Private Sector Grants: Lisa Valdez will talk about how to develop a grant seeking strategy for your library that includes private sector grants. How can you find private foundations and corporate giving programs that are interested in libraries? How can you identify funders that may be interested in your project? What are the first steps you need to take in approaching a private funder? What makes a grant proposal more compelling to a private funder? How can you tailor each application to target the funder’s specific interests? If you’re intimidated by the grant seeking process or wonder how to get started with private sector grants, this workshop will provide ideas and encouragement.
Individual and Planned Giving Strategies: Chris Watkins will provide a program The program will take a step-by-step approach to building a giving pyramid, starting with your broadest base of support and narrowing to your strongest donors. Strategies for engaging your board, expanding your giving circle, building an annual fund, and cultivating planned gifts will be discussed, with examples of successful practices and suggested additional resources.
Project Management: Alison Miller will share methods and ideas on project management from project start up through project sustainability and evaluation. She will also share information that will help with project success and identify some obstacles and solutions for project fluency.
Fundraising in Libraries a Panel Discussion: Join experts from academic and public libraries across the country for a discussion of issues relating to fundraising for libraries. Panelists will discuss issues libraries face when developing and implementing fundraising campaigns and programs; sustaining library fundraising initiatives; how library fundraising differs from other fundraising; tips for successful programs; library fundraising in difficult economic times, etc.
Current IMLS Grant Opportunities For Libraries: Chuck Thomas will provide an overview of IMLS grant programs and categories of funding for libraries. The presentation will include information on eligibility, the review process, highlights of some recently funded projects, and current trends and areas of emphasis in the competitive discretionary grants programs. Time will be reserved for questions from the audience.
Evaluating Grant-Funded Projects and Writing Final Reports: Tom Peters will discuss strategies, tips, and pitfalls of evaluating grant-funded projects and writing final reports. The strategy for evaluating a grant-funded project should be formulated as soon as possible. Try to determine which data sources, both quantitative and qualitative, will be need to assess the success and impact of the grant-related activities, outputs, and outcomes. Speak with as many members of the project team, the users, and other stakeholders as possible. The final report should focus on the project, its successes and shortcomings. If appropriate, draw conclusions and make recommendations that highlight how the grant-funded project sits within the broader environment of associated problems and opportunities.
More programs and speakers coming! Watch the program website at for program information as it develops.
This appears to be a seminar that’s timely. It provides you with the opportunity to take positive action to deal with some of the issues of our times. I am proud that my employer is helping out by sponsoring.

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Posted on: September 26, 2009, 4:39 pm Category: Presentations

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