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7 Biggest Barriers to Broadband Adoption in the US

FCC outlines seven biggest barriers to broadband adoption
“The Federal Commission has listed seven big bumps in the road towards universal use of broadband in the United States, including the TV set-top box innovation gap and the spectrum gap. The document may be a sneak preview of the agency’s National Broadband Plan, to be released in February.”
1. The Universal Service Fund.
2. The broadband adoption gap.
3. The consumer information gap.
4. The spectrum gap.
5. The deployment gap.
6. The television set-top box innovation gap.
7. The personal data gap.
Read the whole article.


Posted on: November 20, 2009, 1:07 pm Category: Uncategorized

2 Responses

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  1. Matt Smith said

    The FCC would have been at the top of my list.

  2. Batarang said

    Deployment gap should be first, followed closely by cost.