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Global Library Statistics

Larry Olszewski, Director of the OCLC Library, created the Global Library Statistics page for the use of the entire library community. The service was originally a joint project of OCLC Research and the OCLC Library, and Research has contributed to its development.

They’ve covered “statistics that represent the total global library universe include data, if available, for the total number of libraries, librarians, volumes, expenditures, and users for every country and territory in the world broken down into the major library types: academic, public, school, special and national. It is important to remember that these figures do not represent OCLC membership. The statistics also include available data for languages used, and the number of library schools, publishers, and museums.”

We’re a big, worldwide family of libraries and we’re precious hard to count. Larry and his team have made a good start.


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Posted on: March 27, 2011, 8:09 am Category: Uncategorized

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