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ARL Publishes ARL Statistics 2008–2009

These important data seem to be coming out more quickly.

ARL Publishes ARL Statistics 2008–2009

“Washington DC—The Association of Research Libraries (ARL) has published the ARL Statistics 2008–2009, the latest in a series of annual publications that describe the collections, staffing, expenditures, and service activities of ARL’s member libraries. Of the 124 members in 2008–2009, 114 were university libraries (17 in Canada and 107 in the US); the remaining 10 were public, governmental, and nonprofit research libraries (two in Canada, eight in the US).

ARL libraries are a relatively small subset of libraries in North America, but they account for a large portion of academic library resources in terms of assets, budgets, and the number of users they serve. The total library expenditures of all 124 member libraries in 2008–2009 was slightly more than $4 billion; of that total, roughly $3.1 billion was spent by the 114 university libraries and slightly more than $940 million the 10 nonuniversity libraries.

ARL has collected and published annual statistics for its member libraries since 1961–62, expanding upon the work of James Gerould, who collected this information first at the University of Minnesota and later at Princeton University. The data he collected, covering the years 1907–08 through 1961–62, are now called the Gerould Statistics. The complete data series from 1908 through the present represents the oldest, most comprehensive, continuing library statistical series in North America.

The online interactive data analysis tool, ARL Statistics Interactive Edition, is available upon subscription through A PDF version of the publication is available at: See below to order print copies. For more information about the ARL Statistics or to download the data files, please visit

Ordering Information

ARL Statistics 2008–2009
Martha Kyrillidou and Shaneka Morris, comps. and eds.
2011 * 175 pages
ISBN 1-59407-859-9 * EAN 978-159407-859-0
ISSN 0147-2135 (print) * ISSN 1943-5983 (online)
$170 ($85 ARL members), plus shipping and handling

Shipping and Handling

US: UPS Ground, $10/publication
Canada: UPS Ground, $15/publication
International and Rush Orders: Call 301-362-8196 or e-mail [email protected] for a quote.

Payment by check, money order, MasterCard, or Visa is accepted. Make check or money order payable in US funds to Association of Research Libraries, Federal #ID 52-0784198-N.

Order from:

ARL Publications Distribution Center
PO Box 531
Annapolis Junction MD 20701-0531
Phone: 301-362-8196
Fax: 240-396-2479
E-mail: [email protected]


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Posted on: May 20, 2011, 9:08 pm Category: Uncategorized

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