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Anonymous or Transparent: Which Side Are You On? [INFOGRAPHIC]

I am intrigued by anonymity (or pseudo) and the emotions and feelings and reasons for same. There are many people in my world of information pros and librarians who feel the need to disguise their identity when they have an opinion or point of view. This would be an interesting chart to debate in LIS schools or on a panel at a conference (Maybe we could get panelists to wear paper bags on their heads!).

Frmo Mashable:
Anonymous or Transparent: Which Side Are You On? [INFOGRAPHIC]


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Posted on: May 24, 2011, 7:23 am Category: Uncategorized

One Response

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  1. Batarang said

    Of course I’m all for Anonymity…partially because of stuff like this: Invasion of Privacy. People just need to be more educated on the risks/rewards of transparency vs. anonymity so that they can make an informed decision rather than just using something because someone else told them to do it.