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The Internet Changes Everything — Except Four Things

I really love the HBR blog:

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The Internet Changes Everything — Except Four Things
via by Rosabeth Moss Kanter

Moss Kanter is a storied expert in ‘change’ as an area of study so her insights are valuable. TRead the full post but here are the four:

“With all the talk of revolution, disruption, and really big change, I was struck by the things that are not changing — or at least, not yet.

1. A great customer experience differentiates winners from losers.
2. The human side is critical to the use of technology.
3. Money needs to change hands.
4. Government and business still talk past one another.”

“It is interesting to reflect on one of the McKinsey findings: that telecoms are capturing most of the wealth being generated from the Internet. For all the new world hype, the old world has a major role to play. And sometimes focusing on what is not changing help us figure out how to best master changes. We still need to find, delight, and excite customers. We need business models that pay people fairly for their work. Businesses must make a credible case to government that they act in the public interest. And the best asset for mastering change is still that old classic: leadership.”

Yep – wise. Are libraries old world institutions that will survive into the new world order? I think so.



Posted on: May 31, 2011, 1:09 pm Category: Uncategorized

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