I’ve been following Bibliocommons for many years now. They have created an excellent and exciting social layer for library catalogues. Tonight they arrive at the ALA trade show in New Orleans for the first time and they tell me they’re excited . They’re worth looking at so take a boo at them and meet the team.
Check out BiblioCommons new website: http://www.bibliocommons.com
The website has a few blog posts using case studies about creating social catalogues in a very advanced manner – much more than anything I’ve seen.
The newest post is about NYPL’s launch, which is really a case study in “agile”.
The second is on the lighter and (much) shorter side — introducing the first ever BiblioBling! Add your comments.
What is BiblioBling? Check it out:
Learn more about participatory social catalogues and brainstorm some more buttons.
Drop by their booth and say hi.
Oh, and drop by the Gale Cengage Learning booth too. I’ll be there for the opening tonight (Friday)! At ALA we’ll be announcing the winning lunchboxes designed for librarians and libraries by the Unshelved team. Come and chat. We have a large and diverse team here at ALA.
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