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Some data on the unexpected in the gaming world:

FarmVille Players Outnumber Real Farmers 80 To 1

“FarmVille players outnumber real farmers by a ratio of 80 to one, and one out of every five people in the U.S. plays the game.

That comes from a Single Grain infographic showing both the pros and cons of social gaming — although not all of it is one extreme or the other, like the fact that 68.7 million Americans will be playing social games by 2012.

Other noteworthy data points include the fact that 78 percent of women earn virtual currency from promotions, but females account for 55 percent of the overall social gaming market.”

Nearly everyone I know will eventually admit to Angry Birds and some celebrate their WoW status.


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Posted on: June 26, 2011, 8:34 am Category: Uncategorized

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  1. Librariandoa said

    I log in to Facebook to check my crops. I have never spent real money, but I want some special edition items really badly and I think about it. I see the lure. Thank heavens my sales resistance is ironclad.