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Seth Godin on Building a Reputation

Simple advice from Seth Godin on building your reputation:

Dangerous (in a good way)

“A path on the way to building a reputation:

When someone asks you a question, they get an answer bigger than they ever expected.
When someone gives you a project, they get a plan scarier than they hoped for.
When you take on a project, you finish it.

If this is your reputation, what sort of projects and gigs will you find yourself getting? Not a good way to fit in, but an excellent way to be the one people seek out.”


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Posted on: June 29, 2011, 8:08 am Category: Uncategorized

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  1. Nicola Franklin said

    ..and this is what builds your ‘brand’ (reference to Thing 3 of the #cpd23 things some of the new professionals are working on at the moment, and reporting on Twitter) – not just the name, blog style, colour, etc that you chose =)