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Public Libraries & Social Recruiting

Many, maybe most, public libraries are proud of the way they assist patrons in finding work and jobs. And that’s an awesome benefit of having a public library in your community.

Jobvite released their 2011 social recruiting survey results. This fourth annual report provides the latest stats and trends on how employers use social networks to recruit today. I found it interesting:

– 89% will recruit in social networks this year
– 55% will spend more on social recruiting
– 64% use 2 or more networks for recruiting
– 78% expect increased competition for hires

Get their free report here. (Registration required)

Led by LinkedIn, Social Recruiting Continues to Grow [Infographic]

Clearly, in our assistance of job seekers in the library, we cannot ignore the roles that social networks and strategies play in finding a job. We may need to help library members use these to their advantage and that may require some education and missionary work. Many people identify and find positions through networks like Facebook, BranchOut, LinkedIn, Twitter, Plaxo, Google+, etc. The power and management of these tools can be daunting for many. We can help.

Another tool that creates a knowledge portal that aligns with library program strategies and productivity is Gale’s
Career Transitions


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Posted on: August 2, 2011, 7:05 am Category: Uncategorized

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