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How To Do Research

For many schools the day after Labour Day is the first day of the school year. “The folks at the Kentucky Virtual Library know this and put together an interactive map of the research process for students. The map, titled How To Do Research, walks students through the research process from start to finish with every step along the way. One of the things about this map that school librarians will like is that it is not focused solely on web research. How To Do Research includes a good section about using library catalogs, books, and magazines.

How To Do Research – An Interactive Map
(originally found at Free Technology for Teachers by Richard Byrne)

“One of the challenges that every student faces at one time or another is conducting focused and efficient research.” This helps.


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Posted on: September 6, 2011, 6:51 am Category: Uncategorized

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  1. Has anyone done a map like this with post-secondary students in mind? The graphics are a bit “grade-school-ish” and I’d hate to inadvertently offend college students –even though this is an amazing tool.