OK, I took some cold pills and I’m thinking strange. Has American Libraries or Library Journal ever considered a sexiest librarian alive issue? Too much fun LMAO. Some business tactics just might not translate but it could work for #partyhearty and #makeithappen at ALA Midwinter.
Here’s a start on an anthem:
Based on one hit wonder “I’m Too Sexy” by Right Said Fred
I’m Too Sexy (for my library)
I’m too sexy for my bun
Too sexy for my book
Books are going to leave me
I’m too sexy for my desk
Too sexy for my shelves
So sexy it hurts
And I’m too sexy for online
Too sexy for the web
Facebook and Tweeting
And I’m too sexy for your branch
Too sexy for the board
No way I’m not story telling
I’m a model you know what I mean
And I do my little turn in story hour
Yeah on the floor with the pillows, yeah
I do my little turn on the floor
I’m too sexy for my cart
Too sexy for my cart
Too sexy by far.
And I’m too sexy for my card
Too sexy for my card
What do you think about that?
I’m a model you know what I mean
And I do my little turn on the refdesk
Yeah on the refdesk on the refdesk, yeah
I shake my little bun on the catwalk
I’m too sexy for my
Too sexy for my, too sexy for my
‘Cos I’m a model you know what I mean
And I do my little turn on the circdesk
Yeah on the circdesk yea on the circdesk, yeah
I shake my little bun on the catwalk
I’m too sexy for my OPAC
Too sexy for my OPAC
Poor OPAC poor catalogue
I’m too sexy for my books
Too sexy for my books
Book’s are going to leave me
And I’m too sexy for this song
Step back from the karaoke.
Lordy keep me off the meds.
7 Responses
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THIS! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJGSaoEB1tQ
I am sure some will immediately respond that I’m an old frump, and so be it, and I am tolerant of a little humor and the occasional male librarian calendar… but having worked in an organization that was highly sexualized AND had a lot of male-on-female harassment (this was a previous career, btw–not in libraries), none of which resulted in punishment for behavior that was criminally wrong and might I say even sinful, I’d really not like to see our profession be so eager to prove our “street cred” that we go down a path that a) could enable harassment, b) idolizes the young and beautiful, and c) is overall kind of a stupid distraction. This reminds me a bit of the “ratemyprofessor” rankings where students talk about teachers being “hot.” Now if you want to talk about the coolest librarians in the profession, I’m ready for my closeup, Mr. DeMille.
Interesting. The post suggested none of those things but I suppose you could imagine anything betrween the lines.
The post noted that this idea was very unlikely ridiculous in fact, Annoyed Librarian aside) in library culture and that the stunt journalism in People would never fly in LJ or AL.
Your comments in other forums aside, I’ll stack my feminist credentials up against anyone.
I co-founded Toronto’s first feminist non-profit Co-operative. I’ve lived there with my family for 26 years.
We maintain a safe house for women, support teen mothers, train women in leadership, etc. from the surpluses.
I worked in the early 80’s with the team on the plans to get equal rights for women into Canada’s re-patriated Constitution.
Unlike other countries, we were successful.
We also successfully got equality for all genders and eventually consututionally gauranteed same sex marriage and more.
That aside, I hate seeing commentary like this post extended into conversations about harassment and illegal activity when it’s not even close.
Only an idiot would support that.
I am with you K.G. Schneider 🙂
I agree with you Stephen. Besides, I’m humming it to Justin Timberlake’s song!
Lighten up, people! It was funny and not meant to be taken seriously.
I’m pretty sure Eric Bana has that titel cornered. ‘Course, you didn’t say fictional librarians!