Some good book recommendations from Carl Grant:
Librarians should make this investment in themselves.
Blue Ocean Strategy by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne.
The Filter Bubble by Eli Pariser.
The Atlas of New Librarianship by David Lankes.
Expect More by David Lankes.
“You’ll be a better librarian after making this investment in yourself. You owe it to yourself and to our profession.”
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“@sabram: Book Recommendations for Striving Librarians: Some good book recommendations from Carl Grant:” #CurtNerds
RT @sabram: Book Recommendations for Striving Librarians: Some good book recommendations from Carl Grant:
RT @sabram: Book Recommendations for Striving Librarians: Some good book recommendations from Carl Grant:
RT @sabram: Book Recommendations for Striving Librarians: Some good book recommendations from Carl Grant:
RT @sabram: Book Recommendations for Striving Librarians: Some good book recommendations from Carl Grant:
Thank you Stephen for the suggestion – I went to the source and next thing you know, I found that these are indeed excellent reads. My next read.
Mirja Mar liked this on Facebook.
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RT @sabram: Book Recommendations for Striving Librarians: Some good book recommendations from Carl Grant:
RT @sabram: Book Recommendations for Striving Librarians: Some good book recommendations from Carl Grant:
Suzanne Reymer liked this on Facebook.
Stephen Alayon liked this on Facebook.
I will have to pick up these recommendations. The reviews are compelling.
RT @sabram: Book Recommendations for Striving Librarians: Some good book recommendations from Carl Grant:
Book Recommendations for Striving
@sabram Thanks!
Book Recommendations for Striving #Librarians via @sabram
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