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Print An Interactive Robot On The 3D Printer You Totally Have

Print An Interactive Robot On The 3D Printer You Totally Have

“Look, you probably don’t have a 3D printer. But if you do and you want to really scare the crap out of your friends you need a humanoid robot head like MAKI, the “emotive robot” that you build with 3D printed parts plus third party tech.

Designed by HelloRobo, the idea is to provide a relatively inexpensive platform so researchers or home users can work on developing interactive robot software without having to design their own model for testing. $30 buys the files to print MAKI parts and since users decide what their MAKI will be used for, they only need to buy components that contribute to that testing. MAKI can be printed on printers with a build envelope of at least 150mm x 150mm x 140mm.

The MAKI Kickstarter has 19 days left and includes stretch goals like adding arms to the MAKI design using HelloRobo’s AX-12 grippers, or introducing smartphone/Raspberry Pi integration. [Kickstarter via IEEE Spectrum]”



Posted on: April 30, 2013, 7:04 am Category: Uncategorized

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