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The state of higher education spending, in three depressing charts

The state of higher education spending, in three depressing charts

“Penny-pinching states have cut funding for colleges and universities. Schools, in turn, have raised tuition to compensate. And it’s the students who are left emptying their wallets — or, more likely, borrowing the cash — to make up the difference.

New estimates from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (brought to my attention via The Atlantic) show just how grim the picture has become. On average, states are spending 28 percent less per student on higher education today than they did at the start of the recession five years ago.”

States have cut higher-ed funding deeply in recent years.

Public colleges and universities, in turn, have raised tuition. The average tuition price in the nation shot up 27 percent, adjusted for inflation, from the 2007-08 school year to 2012-13.

Tuition has increased sharply at public colleges and universities

“Consider these statistics:

The result? Increasing student loan debt is contributing to a decline in young people’s wealth accrual – the current crop of young people (those under 40) are worth less now than previous generations were at the same stage.”

Students are shouldering more of the cost of higher-ed debt




Posted on: April 30, 2013, 7:18 am Category: Uncategorized

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