From the Globe & Mail:
I particularly like #4! Leaders need librarians to break the Google bad habit.
Nine habits leaders need to break
1. Focusing – and missing the point
2. PowerPoint meetings – and missing the real conversation
3. Working via meetings and e-mails – and missing real thinking
4. Googling everything – and missing good information
“Over 90 per cent of managers admit they use Google to find all their information. But less than 3 per cent of all the information available on the Web has been indexed by Google. Today the Invisible Web is where the best structured information can be found, often right in government databases of corporate information such as corporate filings, birth certificates, and factory plant blueprints. Check, where over 70,000 such databases can be accessed. Social media like Twitter are also valuable for searching. If someone tweeted it, it’s been manually screened and recommended.”
5. Staying connected online 24/7 – and missing real interaction
6. Getting an MBA – and missing real world experiences
7. Looking at big patterns – and missing the exciting small ones
8. Living in an adults-only world – and missing the intelligence of youth
9. Trying to control it all – and missing the benefits of open innovation
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