Letter of Invitation to Nominate: Do not hesitate to forward:
Dear Colleagues:
Permit me this opportunity to introduce the next ‘Northern Exposure to Leadership Institute’, to be held December 3—9, 2016.
NELI is now accepting nominations.
Please see: http://northernexposuretoleadership.ca/
NELI is intended to motivate librarians to develop their leadership potential. Our intent is to identify individuals who aggressively aspire, and who so demonstrate their aspiration to lead libraries or information service organizations or programs in the 21st century.
The program is premised on the value of experiential learning, within the context of a beautiful but isolated Rocky Mountain venue, the Jasper Park Lodge in Jasper National Park, Alberta. We encourage the nomination of individuals or seek the nomination for individuals with demonstrated leadership potential as well as intention and an ability to share with others their vision and enthusiasm for the future of library and information service.
Key criteria for a nomination are as follows.
The nominee must be a graduate from an accredited LIS program.
The nominee must have been professionally employed for a minimum of two years and ideally for less than seven years.
The nominee’s record should indicate accomplishments in academic performance, employment experience and leadership potential.
The Nomination package should contain.
A cover letter confirming the nomination and the nominee’s willingness to assume the registration fee, transportation costs, registration fee and any additional accommodation expenses. (The nominee or sponsor is responsible for transportation expenses to and from Calgary, Alberta as well as any pre- or post NELI accommodation expenses in Calgary. The nominee is expected to overnight in Edmonton in December, 2016. )
A letter of nomination from their employer, an LIS program, or a library-related organization, association or corporation.
A letter supporting the nomination from a third party, such as a current supervisor, a former instructor, or any individual who knows the nominee well.
A prospective career development plan that the nominee will develop for the purpose of fostering a pathway to a career leadership goal, and a resume or curriculum vitae.
The Registration Fee is $2,950 plus any applicable taxes.
Some sponsor subsidy may be available for nominees from small libraries.
Nominees must submit, by way of e-mail attachment, their application by close of business on Friday, September 16, 2016 to: [email protected]
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Ernie Ingles, Executive Director at 780-975-5270 or [email protected]
With regards, I am, Ernie Ingles, Executive Director.
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