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Calculate the Reading Time for Any Book

Calculate the Reading Time for Any Book

“If you’re trying to read more books, it’s helpful to know how long a book will take you—not how many days, but how much actual reading time. The site Reading Length tells you how long it will take to read any particular book. Enter a title, and if it’s available on Amazon, Reading Length will find it. (Don’t hit enter too fast, or you might get the wrong result; instead wait for the drop-down menu to appear, and click that.)

First, Reading Length estimates the book’s word count, based on the length of the audiobook or (when there’s no audiobook) the page count. Then it divides that by the typical reading speed of 250 words per minute to give you your estimated reading time.”



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Posted on: June 27, 2019, 6:37 am Category: Uncategorized

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