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Three (and a Half) Strategies to help Academic Libraries achieve Student Success

Three (and a Half) Strategies to help Academic Libraries achieve Student Success

Three (and a Half) Strategies to help Academic Libraries achieve Student Success

Strategy 1: Reimagine the Library’s Sense of Place through Placemaking

Strategy 2: Innovate Learning through Technology

Strategy 3: Raising the Profile of our Collections


“As promised – we have a bonus “half-strategy” for you! We see it as a half strategy because the library alone does not have all the answers. For us, none of the above strategies and approaches will work without the active participation of our communities. Co-creation is the opposite of the “deficit-mindset” – the idea that the library has all the answers to our community’s needs and problems.”





Posted on: September 3, 2024, 6:57 am Category: Uncategorized

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