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Algorithm Warfare: How Elon Musk uses Twitter to control brains

Algorithm Warfare: How Elon Musk uses Twitter to control brains

Like Trump, Musk has weaponized tweets for the information war

“First, let’s examine the four basic Trumpian tactics Musk uses on Twitter:

1. Preemptive framing: Musk uses Twitter to frame issues to his advantage by framing them first. For example, he framed the so-called “Twitter Files” story as a major scandal involving government censorship in favor of Joe Biden. In reality, it was a nothing-burger that was panned by responsible media outlets because it contained no evidence of wrongdoing.

To conservatives, whose brains are now running on Musk’s algorithm of conservative disinformation, it is a major scandal that is being covered up by the media. Of course, Musk spends a lot of time preemptively framing the media as untrustworthy, and has made it clear that he hopes Twitter falsehoods will one day supplant professional journalism altogether.

In addition, Musk has falsely framed his Twitter mission as a quest for “free speech” in an effort to cast his critics as opponents of free speech (while cracking down on the free speech of his opponents).

2. Diversion: Musk uses Twitter to divert from real issues and put attention on false and misleading information. For example, the Wall Street Journal recently published a story that revealed how Musk’s tunnel-digging venture, the Boring Company, has repeatedly failed to follow through on promises to build public projects in cities across the nation. The morning the story appeared, however, Musk launched an attack on Apple, accusing the tech giant of cutting its advertising spending on Twitter and falsely claiming that Apple had threatened to remove Twitter from the Apple app store. His claims against Apple turned out to be untrue, but they helped divert attention from the unflattering Wall Street Journal exposé.

3. Deflection: As illustrated with the above examples, Musk uses Twitter to deflect attacks and change the direction of a conversation. Usual targets of his deflection tactics include his critics, members of the press, Democratic politicians and progressives in general. For example, Musk has recently insinuated that his predecessors at Twitter may have enabled pedophiles when, in reality, it is Musk who gutted the team charged with protecting child safety.

Like Trump, Musk uses name-calling and false allegations of wrongdoing to vilify his opponents, to force them to waste energy refuting false allegations, and to sic his dogpile of loyal followers on them. As with Trump, whenever you see Musk go on the attack, it’s usually to deflect attention away from his own errors and deficiencies.

4. Trial Balloon: Musk uses his account to float ideas and test public response. Some of the ideas, such as whether to allow Trump back on Twitter, come to pass. Others, like his claim that he might turn Twitter’s San Francisco headquarters into a homeless shelter, seem designed to troll the public. He knows he can generate attention by tossing out some new or outrageous idea to drive controversy or news.”


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Posted on: February 4, 2025, 1:31 pm Category: Uncategorized

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