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Internet Voyeurs

Marc Prensky wrote some great articles on the generational shifts.
You can see and link to them here and follow his blog here.
He introduced the concepts of Internet Immigrants (anyone who had to learn the web as an adult) and Internet Denizens (those Gen X, Y and Millennials who have grown up in the web world and have different expectations of things weberific).
I think that there’s another profile that I am calling the Internet Voyeur.
Definition: An Internet Voyeur is someone who is aware of the tools, sites and concepts of the new ways of web ecology but hasn’t really experienced them personally. They’ve read about blogs, maybe visited a few; they’ve heard about, for example, MySpace and The Facebook, or and Flickr but only understand what they look like from afar and on an intellectual level.
Thought: Maybe one of our goals need to be to make our colleagues and staff achieve an experiential level of learning with the potential of these new tools. Voyeurs just aren’t going to be able to integrate and see the potential for innovation with these ideas. We need to provide time and support for this type of play.


Posted on: February 16, 2006, 4:16 pm Category: Uncategorized

One Response

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  1. Stephen,
    David Warlick had an interesting post about this at