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MySpace Learning for Libraries

My latest column for SirsiDynix OneSource is titled, “How Can MySpace Inform Library Portal Development?” This time I tried to focus on what public and academic libraries can lear from MySpace. (Previous versions focused on special and school environments.)
SirsiDynix offers a lot of portal oriented products and content, and I think this MySpace/Facebook/Bebo stuff offers a lot of stuff to learn what thhis can look like for pstive effect.
Some folks have been misinterpreting my fascination with Millennials and their ways. I am not suggesting that there is no need to educate them and to teach them life skills for the future they’ll live. I am suggesting that there is a different foundation to build on and we need to be cognizant of some of their ways to align our portals, content, lessons and services for maximum advantage and impact. They’re not aliens. They’re just diverse from us and that’s good. Diversity needs to be respected when we build services, content and programs for various demographic communities. We know this when we design for seniors communities (and they’re changing radically too), so it shouldn’t be a surprise that youth are different too.


Posted on: June 6, 2006, 2:42 pm Category: SirsiDynix OneSource

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