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The New EPIC – Prometeus

I have pointed to the great EPIC 2014 and EPIC 2015 videos many times. Find them here. They were very interesting scenarios about what might/could happen in the world with respect to our mutual near term futures.
There’s a new video out viralluy on YouTube that serves as a kind of update to EPIC. It is called Prometeus: The Media Revolution.
Watch it. It’s a quick 5 minutes. It tries to think and speculate past the 5 year planning cycle and even 2015 or 2020! It posits the world of 2050.
Either way this might make nice lunchtime conversation for your library. Assign the YouTube video as homework or run it for a group. Discuss. There are no right answers!


Posted on: June 19, 2007, 10:37 am Category: Uncategorized

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