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Eye Tracking Study Insights

Here’s a useful post.
Scientific Web Design: 23 Actionable Lessons from Eye-Tracking Studies
SirsiDynix has been involved in a number of eye trakcing studies that have helped to underpin an understanding of website design. Some of the inisghts in the link above are related to ads, but, there are a few that are relevant to library sites. My favourites are:
Bigger images get more attention.
Text attracts attention before graphics.
Clean, clear people’s faces in images attract more eye fixation.
Fancy formatting and fonts are ignored.
Formatting can draw attention.
Headings draw the eye.
Initial eye movement focuses on the upper left corner of the page before moving down and to the right.
Large blocks of text are avoided.
Navigation tools work better when placed at the top of the page.
Shorter paragraphs perform better than long ones.
Show numbers as numerals.
Type size influences viewing behavior.
Users spend a lot of time looking at buttons and menus.
White space is good.
Anyway, there are short explanations of the 23 key learnings from these studies. How many are you using?

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Posted on: November 21, 2007, 11:17 pm Category: Uncategorized

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