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SirsiDynix Institute on Roving Reference

Guide to Roving: An Essential Service for Library 2.0
Presented by:
Joan Giannone – President, Mentor Group Training Inc.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007, 11 a.m. – noon Eastern / 8 a.m. – 9 a.m. Pacific
Across North America, and around the world, Libraries are working to implement Roving Reference as a practical way to both improve service to their existing customers, and to attract and convert new ones into loyal patrons. Both Public and Academic Libraries are encouraging their staff to step out from behind their desks and reach out to their “hidden customers” – the 50 % or more – those thousands of customers – who are reluctant to approach staff at the Reference desk and so remain un-served. One of the driving forces behind the need for Roving at Libraries has been, and continues to be technological change. And following in the wake of the implementation of technology in any organization is the challenge posed by transition. Technological Change is comprised of external forces (Library 2.0, RSS, Wikki’s, IM, Installing free downloadable digital content, policy changes, structure change, etc.). Transition is internally focused: (the reflection, re-grouping, reorientation and training people have to go through before the change can work) .because, unprepared people can be nervous, or even resistant.
Register now to take part in this FREE webinar.
Joan Giannone is a recognized mentor and trainer with over 20 years experience helping many organizations and Libraries achieve positive results, by focusing on communication and satisfaction for customers and staff. As President of Mentor Group Training Inc., Joan has dedicated all her company’s energy over the last 4 years solely to supporting the progress and success of Libraries. Many Library managers and staff have heard about or have attended one of Joan’s workshops, listened to one of her audio presentations or read one of her articles published online.
Her popular BLOG “Joan’s Compass” has 27 articles and submissions about Roving. (
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Posted on: November 30, 2007, 7:24 pm Category: Uncategorized

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