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Gotta Get me One of These

I travel too much. Nuff said. Guy Kawasaki pointed me towards this new technology and I was flabbergasted! This is the answer to my dreams. I can be on stage anywhere and at home at the same time! I love the idea of sending my holographic image to conferences around the world. Maybe I can get SLA or SirsiDynix to buy one for me! (grin)
“Save me Obi-Wan! Save me.”
Musion seamlessly integrated their 3D holographic display technology with Cisco’s TelePresence’s system to create the world’s first real time virtual presentation. See a demo of Cisco/Musion Systems TelePresence holographic video conference. John Chambers (left) is in Bangalore. The other two guys (Martin De Beer and Chuck Stucki) are in San Jose. Click here to watch how it works. The video about 10 minutes long.
An article on the technology is here.
Cool. This could change conferences as we know them.

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Posted on: May 30, 2008, 10:55 am Category: Uncategorized

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